How to paint driveway in 6 easy steps

Painting a concrete or asphalt driveway can rejuvenate its appearance and add curb appeal to your home. Whether you’re looking to refresh the existing look, cover stains, or simply enhance the visual appeal, here’s a comprehensive DIY guide for painting concrete and asphalt driveways:

Materials and Tools Needed:

  1. Driveway Paint: Choose the appropriate paint type for your driveway – acrylic-based or epoxy-based for concrete, and asphalt-based or latex-based acrylic for asphalt.
  2. Primer (if required): Some paints might need a primer for better adhesion.
  3. Cleaning Supplies: Pressure washer, detergent, scrub brush, and hose for cleaning.
  4. Crack Filler: Use filler to repair cracks and holes on the surface.
  5. Painting Tools: Brushes, rollers, or sprayers suitable for the surface area.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Preparing the Surface:

  1. Clear the Area: Remove vehicles and obstacles from the driveway.
  2. Cleaning: Use a pressure washer to thoroughly clean the surface, removing dirt, stains, debris, and old paint. For tough stains, use a detergent and scrub brush.
  3. Rinse and Dry: Rinse the driveway thoroughly with a hose and allow it to dry completely before proceeding.

2. Repairing Cracks and Holes:

  1. Fill Cracks: Apply crack filler or patching compound to repair any cracks or holes on the surface. Allow the filler to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Applying Primer (if needed):

  1. Priming the Surface: If the paint requires a primer for better adhesion, apply it according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Allow the primer to dry completely before painting.

4. Painting the Driveway:

  1. Stir the Paint: Mix the paint thoroughly before application.
  2. Starting Point: Begin painting from one end of the driveway, working toward the exit to avoid stepping on wet paint.
  3. Applying the Paint: Use a roller, brush, or sprayer to apply the paint evenly across the surface. Ensure consistent coverage without puddles or uneven areas.
  4. Multiple Coats (if needed): Apply additional coats as recommended by the manufacturer, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next.

5. Allowing Drying Time:

  1. Drying Period: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding drying time between coats and the overall drying period before using the driveway.

6. Clean Up:

  1. Clean Tools: Properly clean brushes, rollers, or sprayers according to the paint manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. Dispose of Materials: Dispose of used materials following local regulations, especially if they contain chemicals or petroleum-based products.

What kind of paint do you use on a driveway?

The type of paint you use for a driveway depends on the surface material, whether it’s concrete or asphalt. Choosing the right paint specifically formulated for driveways ensures durability, weather resistance, and adhesion to the surface. Here are the two main types of paint suitable for driveways:

1. Concrete Driveway Paint:

For concrete driveways, consider using acrylic-based or epoxy-based concrete paint. These paints are designed to adhere well to concrete surfaces, offering durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions.

Features of Concrete Driveway Paint:

  • Acrylic-Based Paint: Provides a durable finish, resistant to fading, UV rays, and stains. It’s available in various colors and can be easily applied with rollers or brushes.

  • Epoxy-Based Paint: Offers excellent durability, abrasion resistance, and is highly weather-resistant. Epoxy coatings provide a tough finish but may require professional application.

2. Asphalt Driveway Paint:

For asphalt driveways, choose paint specifically formulated for asphalt surfaces. Asphalt-based paints or latex-based acrylic paints designed for asphalt provide good adhesion and durability.

Features of Asphalt Driveway Paint:

  • Asphalt-Based Paint: Offers durability and weather resistance suitable for asphalt surfaces. It’s available in various colors and provides a protective coating.

  • Latex-Based Acrylic Paint: Provides good adhesion to asphalt surfaces, resists fading, and is available in different colors. It’s easy to apply and offers decent durability.

Key Considerations:

  • Surface Preparation: Properly cleaning and preparing the driveway surface before painting is crucial for paint adhesion and longevity.

  • Primer Requirement: Some paints may require a primer for better adhesion or to enhance the durability of the paint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding primer application.

  • Weather Resistance: Choose paint that offers resistance to UV rays, weather elements, stains, and tire marks for long-lasting results.

Tips for Successful Driveway Painting:

  1. Read Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding surface preparation, application, drying times, and safety precautions.
  2. Weather Conditions: Choose a dry day with mild temperatures for painting to ensure proper drying and adhesion of the paint.
  3. Safety Gear: Wear appropriate protective gear, including gloves and eye protection, while working with paint and cleaning solutions.


Painting your concrete or asphalt driveway can revitalize its appearance and provide protection against weather elements. Following these steps and using suitable materials will help you achieve a professionally painted driveway that adds curb appeal to your home. Regular maintenance and occasional recoating can help maintain the appearance and durability of the painted surface over time.